Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Every year usually towards the summer the group holds an AGM, to review the past year, elect executive committee members and discuss the future of the group. To make the most of it we generally hold a family fun day at the same time so scouting families can socialize and take part in various activities.

AGM 2024

Note that, from 2024, the Trustee Board has chosen to adopt the model constitution provided by the Policy, Organisation and Rules of Scouts UK. The link is provided for you to familiarise yourself with the model constitution prior to the AGM.

The Trustee Board roles require new appointments this year to align with Scouts UK’s Transformation strategy. Whilst the majority of the current board are willing to continue in their roles, we are conducting an open recruitment process to fill the Board. If you are interested in applying, please contact our Group Lead Volunteer, Dom with a brief description of your experience and why you would like to join the board. Applications must be submitted by 12 July 2024.

AGM 2023

AGM 2022

AGM 2021

Annual General Meeting held online at 7pm on Monday 28 th June 2021