
At the 5th Saffron Walden we are always pushing to do bigger, better, more adventurous things that give new opportunities, skills and special memories to the c.150 young people we serve week in, week out. Some of these initiatives can’t be funded out of subscriptions and require the support of our friends in local and national businesses and the community. Below you will find our latest initiative – can you help either financially, through volunteering or by a donation in kind?

Next Event: World Cup Predictor, Online

Just £3 – predict the scores of the Group Round of the World Cup and win £££!

Group trip to Normandy

In April 2023 we will take nearly 80 young people (6-18 years) to the D-Day landing beaches of Normandy as a follow up to our 2018 trip to the Battlefields of Ypres.

A Scout honours his great grandfather, buried in Ypres Meeting French Cubs

A trip abroad brings unique experiences that we cannot get through a regular pack/troop night or even from a camp in the UK. This trip specifically gives the young people a chance to experience a foreign culture and to recognise and celebrate the similarities and differences of young people in a different country. It gives us the opportunity to try different foods, hear a different language and take in the local culture and architecture. Most of all it demonstrates that we are part of one world of Scouting and that whilst we have differences from country to country, this diversity should be celebrated alongside the fundamental values we all share.

How can you help?

We are looking for support from local businesses and organisations in the form of financial donations towards the trip (our goal is to raise £10,000). This money will mean we can subsidise the cost for the children attending whilst also subsidising waiving much of the cost of the trip for children whose parents are unable to afford the cost by themselves. 

No donation is too big or too small. Alternatively if you would like to offer gifts that we could raffle or auction at events we will be holding over the coming months that would also be very much appreciated. 

What next?

We would, of course, be very pleased to welcome you to any of our pack/troop meetings or to come and talk to you further about this trip and scouting in general. 

If you feel you can help us, in any way, please contact our fundraising liaision for this trip, Gary Thompson – who will be able to provide you with any further information you require. 

Thank you


Please come along to as many of our fundraising events as you can – bring your friends! And if you can help with organising/running any of these, please get in touch!

  • 9 Jul: Coffee morning – United Reformed Church, Abbey Lane, Saffron Walden
  • 20 Jul: Pantaloons Performance cake sale
  • 1 Oct: The great Scout quiz of everything, URC, Abbey Lane, Saffron Walden
  • 22 Oct: Cake sale – Outside Premier Travel, 1 Arches Hill St, Saffron Walden
  • Oct – Nov: World Cup Predictor, Online
  • 2 Dec: Late Night Shopping, Market Square, Saffron Walden
  • Jan: Race Night / Wine tasting (TBC)


You can donate direct through our Justgiving page or by contacting